- This event has passed.
October 10, 2015 @ 2:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Wassup Montreal!
With the Canada Cup getting closer we are having our 9th tournament series in order to give some practice to local warriors attending it this year. Once again, we are very pleased to announce that we will still have “Orange Maison” as a sponsor for our next event, which will provide free cans of “Base” energy drinks to keep the hype going for the whole evening! Other than the regular USFIV main tournament, there will be a side event for Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike which is detailed below. For those who enter the tournaments, for each tournament entered the player will receive a ticket which will be used for a raffle to win “Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist” on blu-ray. Although we have a lot of monitors on site, it would be greatly appreciated if anyone could bring an xbox360 with the latest version of USFIV. For those who already been at our last events or who have read the description of our previous events, the following is pretty much a copy-paste of the same description. However, here is a resume of the main points of the evening:
–5$ entry
-Open from 2pm to 11pm
-Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike side tournament starts at 5pm, 5$ tournament fee, PS3
-USFIV main event starts at 7pm, 5$ tournament fee, XBOX360 & Steam (PC)
-Hot-dogs available at 1$ each
-Free bottles of water
-Free cans of “Base” energy drinks (provided by “Orange Maison“)
-Raffle for “Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist” on blu-ray draw at 7pm
If you are new to this event, its objective is simply to bring the local FGC together where anyone is welcome to join (underage included). If you consider yourself a casual player, this event will give you the experience of participating in a casual tournament. Instead of fighting your regular friends or people you don’t know online, you will have the opportunity of fighting real local people, each with their own style and knowledge, who share the same hobby as you. Although it will revolve a lot around Street Fighter, if you play other fighting games, you are more than welcome since we will have several other fight games title available for casuals and you can also bring your own.
Equipment and stations
Several stations will be available under PS3, XBoX360 and PC. We will have a casual station under the PS3 where anyone can bring their own fighting game hoping to get some action (The following games will already be in place: Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3, Marvel VS Capcom 2: New Age Of Heroes, Guilty Gear Xrd SIGN, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo). For those who wish to play as many people as possible at USFIV during the casuals, many stations will be playing USFIV and you can just call out “next” any time you wish. If you want to bring your own personal equipment (monitor or console), you are welcome to do so and it will be much appreciated as there is plenty of space for extra stations. Please note that you must bring your own pad/stick to the event.
Time, date and fees
The event will take place on Saturday October 10th and the place will be open from 2pm until 11pm. The casuals will start at 2pm and going until closure, the tournament for USFIV will start at 7pm and the side tournament for Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike will start at 5pm. An entry fee of 5$ will be charged per person to enter and an extra 5$ will be charged per tournament entry if you wish to enter the tournament (explained in detail below) to help cover the expenses. Please note that the point of this event is not to make money, but to assemble the local Fighting Game Community together. As a matter of fact, once the expenses are covered, the extra money will go to the winner of the USFIV tournament (or winners depending on the size of the pot).
Main Tournament (USFIV)
Other than the 5$ entry fee, an additional 5$ will be required if you wish to enter the tournament. The tournament will be for Ultra Street Fighter IV (Ultra version only) and will be played either on XBOX360 or Steam, based on the agreement of the 2 players who are at their turn to play. However, all PCs will have MotionInJoy installed and will be playable with the PS3 pads and sticks. Only one exception will be made to allow your current match to be played on PS3 if you own the Madcatz’s Tournament Edition (first generation) fight stick that is not recognizable on a PC. The tournament will be starting at 7pm and will be a double elimination style (Winners and Losers brackets). The winning prize(s) will be the exceeding of profits over expenses made during the evening (100% entry fees + 100% USFIV tournament fees – 100% minor expenses).
Side Tournament (Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike)
We will also run a side tournament for Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike where an additional 5$ will be required if you wish to participate. The side tournament will be played on Playstation 3. The tournament will begin at 5pm and will be a single elimination style. The sets will be best 2 out of 3 until semi-finals which will be 3 out of 5. The winning prize will be 100% of the Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike tournament fees.
The local itself is situated at the main floor of a condominium and is usually used for war veterans meetings, so we only ask of you to treat it respectfully. The local was the best location I could find for the relation quality/price and will allow a bigger pot for the winner(s) of the tournament. It can hold around 60 persons, so we would greatly appreciate if you could click the “Going” button under the event if you are serious about coming to help us keep track of the number of participants. The local is situated at 4885 Boulevard Henri-Bourassa West (corner Henri-Bourassa and Marcel Laurin), and is located at the BACK of the building. The entrance is easily identifiable with the big maple leafs stickers on the door and the mention LEGION written.
If you come by car, there is a train station right in front of the local which you can use for parking. I discussed this point with the owner of the local in order to not have any problems with towing since the parking spot is for the users of the train, but he assured me that there should be no such problems. He always refer to that parking spot for people who are using this local and had no problems in the past since there is nobody present on place nor cameras that verifies if you truly are a customer for the train. So as for the parking spot, it is only a suggestion and is at your own discretion. Note that if you park your car there, it will be easily visible from the local itself. The train station parking mentioned is the second entrance on your right, just after you passed Henri-Bourassa while going on Marcel-Laurin north, and not the first one, which is reserved for residents with a pass.
If you come by either metro or bus, I suggest you to use the STM website and the “Itinéraire” tab which will allow you to enter your address and the local’s address and will propose you different travel options which you can then choose the most convenient one for you. If you managed to come by public transportation and are willing to tag along until closing time (around 11h30 pm), it will be my pleasure to drop you off afterwards to the metro or even home depending on where you live.
Other basic information
– There are men and women bathrooms.
– There will be free bottle of waters provided.
– There will be free cans of “Base” energy drinks provided by “Orange Maison”
– A kitchen will be at our disposal so you can bring your own food or soft drinks if you want. Please note that the only thing you cannot bring regarding food and beverages is alcohol.
– For all of you who would like to enjoy an alcoholic beverage while gaming, rest assured as the owner will be present at the bar for alcohol selling. When you pass through the main entry door, at your left will be the gaming room and at your right will be the bar with the owner. To enter the bar you must be at least 18 years old. It will be possible for you to bring the alcohol beverage bought from the bar into the gaming room.
– Due to the lack of restaurants in the nearby area, the owner will be selling hot-dogs at 1$ each during the event.
– Wi-Fi connection will be available (very limited connection though).
If you like the sound of this event, please help support it by coming by and having a good time gaming with people who share the same hobby as you. With your participation and support, it could easily be an event that I could arrange to host regularly for you guys.
I tried to be as much detailed as I can for this post by giving as much information as I could, but if you have any questions regarding subjects that aren’t covered in this post, feel free to send me your questions by Facebook messaging and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Je suis désolé pour tous les francophones qui lisent cette annonce en anglais, mais par expérience personnelle, j’ai remarqué que les francophones peuvent tout de même comprendre l’anglais mais ce qui n’est pas nécessairement le cas pour l’inverse. Ainsi, le but de ce message en anglais est simplement d’attirer plus de monde. S’il y a quelque chose que vous n’avez pas compris dans cette annonce ou que vous avez besoin d’information supplémentaire, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec moi par la messagerie de Facebook.
Hope to see you guys there in great numbers!
Sincerely yours,
Pavel (EVO–777) & Yuk (Red_Cel)