- This event has passed.
August 29, 2015 @ 5:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Je suis désolé pour tous les francophones qui lisent cette annonce en anglais, mais par expérience personnelle, j’ai remarqué que les francophones peuvent tout de même comprendre l’anglais mais ce qui n’est pas nécessairement le cas pour l’inverse. Ainsi, le but de ce message en anglais est simplement d’attirer plus de monde. S’il y a quelque chose que vous n’avez pas compris dans cette annonce ou que vous avez besoin d’information supplémentaire, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec moi par la messagerie de Facebook.
With summer coming to an end and school sessions are getting closer, we are back once more with our 8th tournament series before those sessions begin and students are overwhelmed with school duties. We are very pleased to announce that we have a sponsor for the upcoming event, “Orange Maison“, which will provide free cans of “Base” energy drinks to keep the hype going for the whole evening! Other than the regular USFIV main tournament, there will be a side event for UMVC3 which is detailed below.
-Hot-dogs available at 1$ each
-Free bottles of water
-Free cans of “Base” energy drinks (provided by “Orange Maison”)
The winning prize(s) will be the exceeding of profits over expenses made during the evening.
(100% entry fees + 100% USFIV tournament fees – 100% minor expenses).
The winning prize will be 100% of the UMVC3 tournament fees.
Main Tournament (USFIV):
Other than the 5$ entry fee, an additional 5$ will be required if you wish to enter the tournament. The tournament will be for Ultra Street Fighter IV (Ultra version only) and will be played either on XBOX360 or Steam, based on the agreement of the 2 players who are at their turn to play. However, all PCs will have MotionInJoy installed and will be playable with the PS3 pads and sticks. Only one exception will be made to allow your current match to be played on PS3 if you own the Madcatz’s Tournament Edition (first generation) fight stick that is not recognizable on a PC. The tournament will be starting at 7pm and will be a double elimination style (Winners and Losers brackets). The winning prize(s) will be the exceeding of profits over expenses made during the evening (100% entry fees + 100% USFIV tournament fees – 100% minor expenses).
Side Tournament (UMVC3):
We will also run a side tournament for UMVC3 where an additional 5$ will be required if you wish to participate. The side tournament will be played either on XBOX360 or Playstation 3, based on the agreement of the 2 players who are at their turn to play. The tournament will begin at 5pm and will be a single elimination style. The winning prize will be 100% of the UMVC3 tournament fees.
Entry + Tournament: 10$ total.
An entry fee of 5$ will be charged per person to enter and an extra 5$ will be charged per tournament entry if you wish to enter the tournament to help cover the expenses.
– USFIV main event starts at 7pm, 5$ tournament fee, XBOX360 & Steam (PC)
– UMVC3 side tournament starts at 5pm, 5$ tournament fee, XBOX360 & PS3
Event Main Admin
Pavel Szczypior (EVO–777)
Yuk Tang (Red)
If you want to bring your own personal equipment (monitor or console), you are welcome to do so and it will be much appreciated as there is plenty of space for extra stations.
Please note that you must bring your own pad/stick to the event.
The local was the best location I could find for the relation quality/price and will allow a bigger pot for the winner(s) of the tournament. It can hold around 60 persons, so we would greatly appreciate if you could click the “Going” button under the event if you are serious about coming to help us keep track of the number of participants.