Halo 5 – more details leaked. Frank o’ Conner calls out.
E3 details leaked, more pictures/artwork, and gameplay… do the leaks have an end?
With the recent announcement of Halo 5 in 2015, we have the Master Chief collection to look forward to this year… but that was also leaked in advance.
Frank o’ Conner, Halo 5’s director, is not happy.
“People, including nice people with kids and families and stuff, work super hard on this stuff and wake up in the morning to find some of their effort blown up. It’s not fun, and for what? So you can have a mildly interesting surprise 8 hours early and lacking context? Or get hyped or disappointed disproportionately? Or get someone fired or someone innocent yelled at?
“Ok. But it isn’t prophecy, nor ultimately even important. It’s annoying.”
Here are some of the leaks:
“At the moment 343i is in the prototype phase, but i will post the current state of Halo for Xbox One.
Just a reminder that the game you will see probably wont feature everything you are reading here.”
60 FPS has been confirmed at E3, now the team around Corinne is basically taking the Halo 4 Engine, “dumps” it on Xbox One Devkits and measures the perfomance and goes from there.
The Xbox One hardware is really powerful, though as many have stated not as powerful as Sony’s machine. Nevertheless the team does have the goal to create one of the best looking titles next year. People are seriously overstating the power difference and underestimate the potential of the eSRAM (yes, it was included for bandwidth reasons, but the low latency does increase efficiencs in real world perfomance, if the eSRAM is used in smart way. I basically got the same code, with some optimization with the eSRAM running only 20% worse on Xbox Oen than on a PS4-Devkit from January.
Now what tech and graphical features will be implemented?
Deferred Shading will finally be implemented, Halo 4 was really sparse on terms of dynamic lights, a drawback of havin to use a traditional forward renderer. G-Buffer will consist of 4 MRTs. The entire pipeline is HDR and linear space. Those Render Targets will probably be stored in the eSRAM or split between the two pools, depending on perfomance.
Some form of SSAO will also be implemented, Halo 4 only had static and baked AO which looked great in pictures.
PRTs will be used, current tests with eSRAM and the results are amazing. Thanks to 5GB of ram (soon 6GB 😉 ) the textures will look amazing and the models will have plenty detail.
There are a few drawbacks with aiming for 60 FPS. First the game will not render in native 1080p. Current resoultion on display plane 2 is 1920×720 (1,3 Megapixel compared to 2 for 1080p), display plane 1 (HUD an weapon) will be native 1080p. You literally cant tell the difference.
Dedicated Server.
First titel to showcase true power of cloud processing. Massive battles with 100s of AI (calculated by the cloud); massive worlds with dynamic weathher and global lighting (all done in cloud).
And yes, this will need an alway online connection(you dont need a powerful connection, those data pakets are really small)
Campaign is planned to be 3-5 times longer than Halo 4. No more linear , going open world.
Master Chief has gone rogue, has own ship and can visit different planets (6-8 planned). Each planet has several regions with main objectives and several side missions. ( Think of Wings of Liberty or Dawn of War 2 cmapaign)
Core gameplay is still Halo (2 weapons, grenades, melee; “30 seconds of fun”; sevaral different enemies) but there are RPG elements added to it: character progression (mostly items like forerunner relicts you will find that make Master Chief stronger or will give him more ablities), not really loot, but you will have to acquire weapons first, before you can use them in more missions. Weapons are stored in the armory on the ship and chief can choose his loadout, which he will use on the mission start. He can still pickup and use the weapons he finds in the different missions.Loadout weapons are basically the same you have in Halo 4 Multiplayer (you cant start with a rocket launcher, but you can call in those “super weapons” on a mission like in Infinity Multiplayer; difference is this is a limited ability, at “low level” you can call one time, this can be upgraded over time)
There will be more weapons in campaign than in Halo 4 (and yes more “alien” weapons; not just human weapons with a different coat)
Do you agree with Frank, that leaks ruin the surprise?